The Fountain of the Lions or "Lions" is one of the central parts of the city. It is well known except by locals and foreigners. The fountain was built in 1628 by General Provisioner Francesco Morosini to help supply water to the city, which suffered from water scarcity.
The Fountain of the Lions
The Fountain of the Lions or "Lions" is one of the central parts of the city. It is well known except by locals and foreigners. The fountain was built in 1628 by General Provisioner Francesco Morosini to help supply water to the city, which suffered from water scarcity. The water that gave generously to the inhabitants came from the mountain Zeus. The Fountain is adorned with various architectural ornaments, such as armorial bearings, mythological scenes, etc. Over lions stood a statue of Neptune, which is no longer extant. During the Ottoman contributions made to the monument and placed a kind cab ride from the Fountain.
Στην σύγχρονη εποχή έγιναν κάποιες παρεμβάσεις προς συντήρηση του μνημείου. Στο σημείο δίνονται πολλά ραντεβού από τους ντόπιους. Δίπλα εκεί βρίσκεται και ένα ρολόι το οποίο συμπληρώνει την εικόνα της πλατείας.
The Museum school life N. Chania was founded by the Local Authority Chania after initiative and proposal educational and spiritual people.
The port of Spinalonga is situated on the northwest side of the gulf of Mirabello. On the entrance of the port, close to the Spinalonga peninsula, is where the skerry of the same name is located, entirely surrounded by a fort.
The exhibits of the museum are very important, and consist of sculptures from Livadeia and Cheronea, ceramics from prehistoric and historic locations around Cheronea, Elateia,coins and weapons from the Tomb of Macedonians and the mass graves of Thebians in Cheronea.
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