The Museum of the Battle of Crete and National Resistance 1941-45 Municipality of Heraklion was founded and operates from May 1994.
Its purpose is to gather, preserve and appropriate report relics of the period 1941-1945 in Crete and the documentation and view the holy race of the Cretan people during the battle but also the German and Italian occupancy.
In parallel with the presentation of various historical Documents the Museum aims to cultivate love and respect for the history of Crete.
In Greek culture, food is so much more than sustenance – it’s about culture, comfort, family and life itself.
Recently renovated mansion of Aktarika downtown and going to house the Vikelaia Library of Heraklion, a cultural institution with a great history which has justly been called "Academy of Sciences", as in previous years produced sufficient spiritual project in Humanities and the Arts .
The Museum of ancient Eleutherna - Homer in Crete is the first archaeological site museum in Crete. The museum created to house the results of the excavations carried out for thirty years in the ancient city of Eleutherna. The originality of this museum is that the objects of the permanent exhibitio
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