Jazz with colours from Crete and the Middle EastTuesday of 24 July 2018 20:30 in Kipotheatro Mano Chatzidakis in Irakleios and Wednesday of 25 July in 8.30mm in the hospitable space of wine factory Manoysaki in Batolakko Chanias, Maria Manoysaki organises the 5th International Musical Festival Crete
Maria Manoysaki is violinist with internationalpresence in the space of jazz and world mousik. "I play world jazz ethnic and especially what I present is an amalgam of New York jazz with sounds from Crete and the Middle East. Generally, my inspiration comes from Crete, where I usually compose my pieces."
A inspired collaboration from three importantmusical forms which they will present authenticcompositions with common report in the Cretanlandscape.
The three forms that participate are:
1 Vasilis Stayrakakis Foni and mandolinZacharias Spyridakis Voice and pound GiorgosManolakis Foni and lute – Yannis PapazanisKroysta.
The Thessaloniki Museum of Byzantine civilization presents various aspects of life during the byzantine and metabyzantine period: Art, ideology, social organization and religion.
Aeges are located on the south side of the Macedonian fields. The name stands for “the place with many herds”. An omen that is said to have been given to Perdikkas
The Acropolis hill was the site for the most important and glamorous temple of the ancient city, dedicated to Athena, the protector godess of the city. This sacred site is connected to the most important myths of ancient Athens, the great religious ceremonies.
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