The Tegea Archaeological Museum is a place where the visitor can enjoy works belonging to the highest inspiration times of ancient Greek sculpture.
The Tegea Archaeological Museum is a place where the visitor can enjoy works belonging to the highest inspiration times of ancient Greek sculpture.
The Tegea Archaeological Museum was built between 1907-1908 in what was then known as Piali (now Alea) of Tegea. The purposes of the museum’s construction were two: a) to protect and exhibit all the important finings from the temple of Athena of Alea and b) to collect and safeguard all the ancient findings of Tegea’s land, which were laying around or stacked and not adequetly protected in small local archaeological collections.
Through the Tegea Archaeological Museum’s development, we can observe the efforts of the free Greek nation comcerning the rescue and exhibition of the local culture of Tegea.
OVER THE WALL - CRETE ROCK FESTIVAL 4 Αυγ - 5 Αυγ · A story they say... ok! Once upon a time, a couple of people were at a festival doing all the ordinary things one does at a festival: drinking, chilling and listening to quality Rock and Metal (what do you
The Archanes Arachaeolgical Collection was inaugurated on August 21 1993, in the centre of the Archanes town, on the Tzami district.The exhibits are laid out in chronological order.
Generally, the Ottoman Heraklion is of great interest to anyone wander and get acquainted with the flavor of a bygone era.
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