1600 B.C. Spring festival Guests proceed to the theatre of the palace to honour the Great Mother, Goddess Nature. The guide informs the guests about the proceedings. Everybody is excited about what will follow. The high-priestess enters the stage. She is burning incense from aromatic herbs of the
1600 B.C. Spring festival
Guests proceed to the theatre of the palace to honour the Great Mother, Goddess Nature.
The guide informs the guests about the proceedings. Every body is excited about what will follow.
The high-priestess enters the stage. She is burning incense from aromatic herbs of the Cretan land. Offerings are given to the personification of Goddess Nature, the olive tree (treeworship).
offerings follow, gifts of the Cretan Earth. Carobes, nuts, pines, fruit etc.
The Minoan ladies dance to hnour the Goddess along with the men. Their union, a symbol og equality and love in honour of the Great Mother.
The games will begin. Strength, stamina and intelligence will surface through the bull games, surviving the fatal risks of the game with the sacred bull.
The high priestess embraces the Minotaur in a ritual dance.
Chania, from 27 to 29 July For the 4th consecutive year, the "Mikis Theodorakis" Festival is held in Chania at 27,28,29 July 2018. The program of actions is as follows:
The house Chronaki is an important monument of the city of Heraklion, which for years was forgotten by everyone and everything. Last many have attempted to deal with in order to show off this sleek architectural. Is the mansion known by two names: House Chronaki or otherwise Konaki Rasich Bey Asprak
The festival of Municipality Irakleios “Crete, a history, five plus cultures” comes from 26 August until 20 September it also this year offers in their Irakleiotes but also in the visitors of city abundance of qualitative events, with dorean entry. The central subject of this year's festival t
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